Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 5. In my fifth episode, hear from a friend of mine, Mark Ballinger, who used to work with me at Eckstein Middle School and now works at the nearby Jane Addams Middle School as a language arts, social studies, and tech teacher. He is an incredibly smart person with a dry sense of humor who gives me great book suggestions. In this conversation, we talk about using humor in the classroom, the plight of media not understanding what teachers do, and why he chose teaching as a second career.

Download: Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 5 Mark Ballinger

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One thought on “EPISODE 5: MARK BALLINGER”

  1. Loved listening to your interview! It just warms my little teacher heart to hear about former students of mine who have become educators! (Especially my humanities “kids”). Several are second career teachers, like yourself, including Paul Reece, who is at Franklin. Having come from a wide range of previous careers, brings a valuable set of skills and backgrounds to classrooms!

    Best wishes for a long career in this very important work!

    Jan Fluter

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